Wednesday, March 19, 2008


God I love Ethos because I have done many things in my life that make interesting papers. But am I trapped I have only written paper that allow me to use my personal life as part of my argument. Am I selling myself short by not picking some thing I have no ideal and really doing the research. To some point I would have to say yes because I'm haveing a little bit of a hard time In CRE were they choose the subject for you. Anyone else haveing this problem?

Essay #2

This one is from my heart not just information that I gathered. I was given a second chance instead of going to prison I made a dission to go to rehab and it has nothing but pay off since then. Am I fixed? Hell NO!!!!!!!!! Am I a better person? Hell YEA. Today I work at the rehab that helped me get my life together. So when you think about the next criminal you see on TV please understand that some of us just need help and then we will be sitting next to you in class without u even knowing.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring Break

Wow, a whole week off and I still have so much to do. It didn't help that I had my daughters B-days on the 11th and 12th. My babysitter walked off beause my son scratched the car next door up with a rock. Or was it the fact that one guy from work takes off whenever he feels like it and we have to work more hours to make sure we stay open? Maybe it was last night when the cops showed up with my oldest son and they told us how he was in the wrong hood and got shot at? Either why I thank god today that I am able to have problems like this not problems like were am I going to get my next meal for my kids or were are we going to staty tonight, because at one time in my life those were my problems.

Friday, January 25, 2008

First Blogg

This is just a start to my blogg